Recycling Center
109 S. Cedar Street
Self-Service. Accepting clean recyclables. Sort on site or in advance. Available 24/7. Visit pages 2 & 3 of our “Welcome Guide” to find out what’s accepted for recycling & what can be placed in garbage containers.
Rubble Site
1/2 mile west of Freeman on North County Road
The compost, branch, & tree site is ALWAYS open & available at no charge.
April - September
Wednesday 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
October - March
Wednesday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
What goes to the rubble site, to the compost area, to the Recycling Center, or in the garbage? Click here to find out.
Rubble Site Tipping Fees
$5 – Car Load
$10 – Pickup Load, Trailer (8-ft. or less)
$20 – Trailer (8-ft. or more) & Trucks (10 cubic yds. or less)
$32 – Trailer or truck (11-15 cubic yds.)
$45 – Trailer or truck (16-30 cubic yds.)
Note: A fee of $20 is charged for the disposal of a CRT TV.